Registration and fees
Registration is now closed!
You can register for the NSHG-PM conference 2022 on this site.
Get your ticket now. From 25 October 2022 a late fee will be added.
Ticket and membership
When you register you can chose to become a member of The Nordic Society of Human Genetics and Precision Medicine and get a reduced price on your ticket. The advantages of becoming a Society member are clear: In addition to our very friendly membership fees and the savings on conference registration, you will help to support our initiatives to promote the development of precision medicine.
Please note: Membership is only available for participants who are working in the field of human genetics and/or precision medicine in the Nordic region.
If you have questions regarding your membership please contact Marie Schønning at
Please note, cancellation of participation postmarked before and on 20 September 2022 will be refunded deducting an administration cost of DKK 250.
From September 21st 2022 registration fees are non-refundable.
If the congress is cancelled for reasons beyond the control of the organisers, the registration fee will be refunded after deduction of expenses incurred by the conference.

If you need accommondation close to the venue, you can use the booking code below for Comwell Copenhagen Portside that is located at Alexandriagade 1 in Copenhagen – only a short walk from Kulturkajen Docken and next to the Metro station Orientkaj on the M4 line.
In order to take advantage of the rooms we have set aside for the conference guests you will need to refer to the booking code: CCP- 4112256
You can book your room by calling +45 70 274 274 (press 2 for room booking) or write to: and give the booking code.
Please notice: There is only a limited number of rooms available and the offer expires on October 7th 2022.
Roomrates are 1.125 DKK for a single room and 1.195 DKK for a double room per day including a breakfast buffet.
For a cheaper option you can choose Wake Up Copenhagen in Borgergade. It’s close to the M4 line metrostations Marmorkirken or Kongens Nytorv. Find more information and prices here